Wednesday, January 30, 2008


...I will learn french.
Just before Maya was born, two years ago, Ryan and I took a conversational French class at the Community College. To say that I was an (obnoxiously) eager student would be a gross understatement. I wrote down everything the teacher said, asking for clarifications constantly. Each week, I had my homework done…and more. Just for fun (and extra study) I made laminated flash cards of all the french words and phrases in our textbook with pictures I had cut-out and collected from catalogs and magazines. Whenever we went to the gym, I’d bring one of my rings of cards and study my French while I worked out on the elliptical. Which brings me to another possible entry about something I want to do… exercise.
and my french? Je regrette….C’est pathetique.

1 comment:

Kim said...

This is what I love so much about you, Ang...