After a full day of teaching violin lessons (while playing with my Maya) at school, the perfect dinner was calling out to me on our counter. One large butternut squash just waiting to become...

...with some cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar & a swirl of condensed milk on top.
*And* there's more than enough left for lunch tomorrow too. I can't wait.
Hey I want that recipe. :)
It looks like a picture out of a magazine. I was about to go down the road and ask if I could have some....
but then I remembered that you don't live there anymore:-(
Looking forward to our "Office" date!!!
yeah...the picture probably is from a magazine :) i just image googled 'squash bisque' to illustrate the post. but ours looked pretty much like that :) we just don't have charged batteries in the camera.
and yes, we miss you being down the street too!!
It looked just like the picture and tasted wonderful. I ate a bowl for my dessert last night.
this looks really good..
but after what we just ate at the Red Robin(or, I should say, how *much* we ate)..nothing in the world could stir my appetite.
I'll look again tomorrow, and have no doubt the image will make me ravenous.
It was so good to share a long, noisy table with you. And so many others we love. :)
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