...i woke up to bring Ryan to the airport. He's flying to Vermont then traveling to Montreal tomorrow. I miss him already.
We've had so much fun on vacation. The cabin was so peaceful. Ryan kept saying, "I really could live here....I could do this all the time." I wasn't quite as enthusiastic about taking up permanent residence in the middle of nowhere, but I could have spent several more weeks in that kind of solitude.
I think Ryan must have read my blog... about waking up to the sound of a crackling fire and peeking out of my room to see my dad. The first morning we were there, he woke up first, built a fire, made coffee, and waited for me. Sometimes I wish I could freeze perfect, contended moments like that. Live in them always. I do wonder how often I fail to catch those moments even while they are occuring...and don't reallize I'll miss them when they're gone.
Our time at the cabin was filled with canoe rides, long talks, lots of laughing together, dinner at sunset on the dock, biking around Mackinaw Island, driving the Scenic Highway, getting ice cream in Hessel, getting ice cream in Cedarville, more ice cream in Hessel, reading by the fire, reading in the sun, reading at the new library, reading in the car, reading in the hammock, and lots of rest. I could spend every day with Ryan. He's been my husband for almost three years, we've been together for...seven! But I don't think I've ever had more fun with him than now. I love dreaming and praying together about our future, what we hope to accomplish, what we value, who we hope to become, how we can be more authentic with our faith, what kind of parents we will be someday.
I don't like business trips.
I am so happy that you had such a peaceful, relaxing time at the cabin. Your beautiful way of describing it makes me want to go again soon!
ghfhjghgvoireuistn eritnm'peiab emioemr ivmrtvbuivrivuwvviorvshidogmdsvbinsiioribmis'iobnsijbLYVBTKVFVB UNYRFCBVZSHJAKSVNSNFVSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIT'S $1'000'000 DOLLARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!VIGYUDSNVUSWYRVSGTYVHYVCT%suynqytvqd!@#$%^&*()100+900-76+6666+1234567890+100= WELL SAY A ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you andrea. see you tomorrow!
...and emma, the answer is...1234574732.
hey ang, awesome post. great evocation of the SENSATIONS which engender the FEELINGS that define our shared favorite place.
BTW ~ you can axe anonymous' comment spam over there. Just hit the trashcan after you're signed in.
thank you andy. you know you are my first blog inspiration...and inspiration for a lot of other things in life too. i always *hope* for a comment from you...so you've made my day. it's not like i live my life trying to get approval or recognition from my big brothers or anything...my wise, intelligent, creative older brothers who always say profound things.
BTW-the anonymous spam-like comment was typed in my own dining room by your very own neice :) if you look closely, it does have some content...a math problem.
I think we should be concerned about Emma's possible future in spamming. Are there interventions or treatments you can implement early to keep young family members from turning into computer delinquents?
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